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Frost Control
CreaM Ale
Smooth, light and refreshing. A clean, well-attenuated, highly carbonated, flavorful American “lawnmower” beer. Easily drinkable, smooth, and refreshing, with more character than typical American lagers, yet still subtle and restrained. 4.9% ABV
Frost control is one of the dreaded necessities of the farm life with Spring crops, such as strawberries, that re-quire attention in the wee hours of the morning anytime the temperatures are projected to dip below 32 degrees. As a young boy, Craig Ross would assist his father, Richard, throughout the early strawberry season protecting the pre-cious strawberry blossoms. A thankless job when no one is watching, Craig worked diligently to hone the skills neces-sary to produce beautiful berries. This served Craig well as he would later own & operate on the largest strawberry farms in Ohio.

NITRO Milk Stout
Rich, chocolate & coffee notes, thicker creamy mouthfeel from nitrogen, lots of roast. Not sweet. The “milk” name is derived from the use of the milk sugar lactose as a sweetener. *contains lactose 7.1% ABV
“Make hay while the sun shines” is a great saying that we most definitely live by. The name of this beer is a nod to a lifelong Columbia farmer and friend of the farm, Dennis Ross. Dennis has worn many hats throughout his life, but one thing that defines him is his hay making ability. Dennis has been “making hay” since he was a young boy as well as helping anyone in Columbia as needs arose. We couldn’t think of a better way to honor a man who has been a friend and mentor to us at Red Wagon Farm.
Our celebration of strawberry season in a glass! Easily drinkable, smooth, and refreshing, with more character than typical American lagers, yet still subtle and restrained. 4.9% ABV
Strawberry season is a big deal at Red Wagon Farm. You can see all about the lengths to which we go to keep our precious strawberry plants from being frost-bitten in the Frost Control Cream Ale story. Here, though, is what hap-pens when our strawberries are ripe: hoardes of people descend on our Farm Market to pick their own strawberries! It’s a little bit crazy, with strawberry fiends, families, and staff riding the wagon over to our current fields for a morning of picking into their white pails… + everyone checking Facebook + our website every morning to see if they can come!

All you can carry
cream ale
Rice Crispy Treat in a Glass! Not too sweet but easily drinkable, smooth, and refreshing, with more character than typical American lagers, yet still subtle and restrained. 4.9% ABV
Red Wagon Farm has an annual Pumpkin Festival (35 years this year) and one of the features is the All You Can Carry challenge to lift as many pumpkins as you can at one time. The perennial AYCC coach and referee since the beginning has been Bill Stallard, who found his favorite beer on a trip to an Indians game in Chicago...which tasted just like a Rice Krispies Treat. Ann took the challenge to recreate this beer, which we proudly pour in tribute to our AYCC Pumpkin King!

Blue's lazy
hazy ipa
An American IPA with intense fruit flavors and aromas, a soft body, smooth mouth-feel, and often opaque with substantial haze. Less perceived bitterness than traditional IPAs but always massively hop-forward. Lots of tropical fruit, creamy, hop bitter-ness muted somewhat in flavor, loads of aromatic fruity hops. 8.5% ABV, 45 IBUs
If you haven’t met Blue yet, it’s probably because he’s snoozing after an active morning in the fields with his farm family. An English bulldog, he’s quite a character and will go great lengths for a snack or a belly scratch. Blue’s energy level ebbs and flows throughout the day. You may find him sprinting through the wet hay fields, picking corn with the crew, or sleeping under Eric’s desk. Blue’s notable snoring is only matched by his incredibly LAZY behavior.
ida love a red ale
red ale
Ida Love a Red Ale is an American Amber Ale with a medium body, malty, balanced and earthy. Mildly hoppy, of moderate-strength American craft beer with a malty caramel flavor. 6.3% ABV
Ida Tassi had been an important fixture of Red Wagon Farm for over 3 decades! Eric first met Ida when Richard Ross be-gan renting her farm in the late 80’s. Ida was a tiny woman who worked endlessly throughout her 99 years of life! One of the hardest workers Eric has ever known, Ida, along with her husband Arthur, operated a delicatessen in Parma, a gourmet food store in Shaker Heights, and the Skyway Lounge on Brookpark Road. After retiring, Ida spent endless hours working in her beautiful yard and tending to her landscaped beds until the very end. Sharp as a tack, Ida freely shared stories from her youth, her life lessons and the wisdom she gleaned from a life well lived! She is missed here at the farm, but her hard working spirit left a legacy for all.

Porch Pumpkin
pumpkin ale

Created to celebrate our 41st Annual Pumpkin Festival, Porch Pumpkin Ale is full of the flavors of pumpkin and fall spices. 5.8% ABV
Pumpkins have been a staple at Red Wagon Farm for as long as I can remember, and we’ve sold them from our front porch since 1984.
We have grown large, small, orange, white & even warty pumpkins. Thousands have come and gone from the porch over the years.
We hope you enjoy our unique pumpkin ale and we welcome you to share the fruits of our labor during our fall festivities. Cheers!
The Farmer's Daughter
Hard Seltzer
Our farmer’s daughter might not love beer, but she’s a big fan of spiked seltzer! So we brewed up a clean batch of our hard seltzer and brought out a variety of fun flavors to brighten your day. Light & refreshing, seltzer happens to be gluten free, too. 6% ABV
Our farmer’s daughter might not love beer, but she’s a big fan of spiked seltzer! So we brewed up a clean batch of our hard seltzer and brought out a variety of fun flavors to brighten your day. Light & refresh-ing, seltzer happens to be gluten free, too. Sassy, classy and fun—just like Ally!
Adam's APple
hard Cider
Apple Cider is a wonderful reflection of farms and orchards across Ohio and throughout the country. Our friends at Burnham Orchards are local growers, and we will work with them to keep our apple cider local to Ohio and close to home! 6.5% ABV
Apple Cider is a wonderful reflection of farms and orchards across Ohio and throughout the country. Our friends at Burnham Orchards are local growers, and we will work with them to keep our apple cider local to Ohio and close to home!
We brew all our beer right here at the farm?
Head Brewer, Ann Zofchak, lovingly crafts the beers for both Red Wagon Brewing and Four Paws Brewing.
If you prefer traditional styles that are exceptionally well crafted with high quality ingredients, Red Wagon Brewing's list is right up your alley!
Have a preference for some eccentric flavor matches? Ann creates some truly inspired small batch beers under the Four Paws Brewing Brand.
Interested in finding out more about our brewery business partners, Kellie Rubense & Ann Zofchak? Check our their website!

Ann Zofchak, Head Brewer for Red Wagon Brewing, Co-owner and Head Brewer for Four Paws Brewing
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