Strawberry Dipping Ideas

Fresh washed strawberries with hulls left on; dry on paper towels.


4 ounces semisweet chocolate (125 g)
1 pint basket fresh strawberries, if possible with stem and cap attached (500 ml)
Broad green leaves for decoration (optional)
Yields about 6 servings, 3 or 4 strawberries per serving.

Break or chop chocolate coarsely. Use real, not imitation, chocolate bars or squares for best results. Place chocolate in small heat-proof bowl, then place bowl in 1/2-inch barely simmering water in small skillet over low heat. Heat, stirring occasionally, just until chocolate is melted. (Be careful that no water gets into chocolate.) Stir until smooth.

Remove skillet from heat, leaving bowl of chocolate in hot water. Pat strawberries dry. Holding by stem end, dip each strawberry into chocolate to cover about 3/4 of the way up. Drain excess chocolate, then place on waxed paper-lined tray; refrigerate to harden.


1(1/2 pint) jar Marshmallow creme (250 ml)
1 tablespoon lemon juice (15 ml)
1 tablespoon orange juice (15 ml)
1/2 teaspoon grated orange or lemon peel (2 ml)
1/4 cup salad dressing (50 ml)
Beat together all ingredients. Dip strawberries and eat immediately.


  • Dip into mounds of powdered sugar or dip first into sour cream or yogurt and then into brown sugar. Eat immediately.
  • Serve whole berries with hulls on with a variety of dips such as chocolate sauce, whipped cream, coconut and chopped nuts.
  • Dip fresh strawberries into sour cream or yogurt and roll in strawberry-flavored gelatin granules for a tasty treat.
  • Strawberries will form their own natural juice if you slice them, sprittle lightly with confectioner’s sugar and let stand overnight in the refrigerator.